Can you benefit from a Lamelle Research Laboratories peel in summer?

Can you benefit from a Lamelle Research Laboratories peel in summer?

We often say winter is the ideal time to have a chemical peel – and it’s true. Any kind of exfoliating treatment will make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so doing it when you’re more likely to hibernate indoors versus hit a pool party just makes sense. Still, does this mean you should never indulge in a skin peel during the summer months? Not at all! At Lamelle Research Laboratories, we’re the leading peel professionals, and we believe it’s always a good time – provided you take the proper precautions and use a cutting-edge sunscreen like Helase 50.

Safe and sound    

Obviously, you’ll want to avoid the sun after any peel but that’s not the only thing you have to be cautious about. After all, a peel removes the uppermost layers of your skin so it’ll be more sensitive to pretty much everything. This is why it’s important to wash your face using cool water (hot water will cause inflammation) and an extremely gentle soap-free cleanser like our Serra Cleansing Gel that includes anti-inflammatory ingredients.

You’ll also want to skip out on exfoliating for a bit, be it with a chemical product like our NEW Correctives AHA re-texture solution or a manual one. Remember, that top layer of dead skin cells is gone or in the process of sloughing off – any more stripping and you’ll end up causing inflammation. The same goes for any products containing exfoliating ingredients such as retinol. Also, as far as vitamin C is concerned, rather wait until your skin is completely healed before you reach for Lamelle Correctives Recharge CE and Vita C 30. They both contain ascorbic acid that has a natural pH of 3.2 so it will sting if you apply it to skin that’s still repairing itself. If you do insist on using a serum post-peel, Bester recommends Lamelle Correctives HA+ or GF Serum as they’re both very well tolerated. 

Naturally, the strength of your peel will dictate how long you need to avoid these things. As an example, Lamelle’s new Rice Bran AO Peel System is a great way to create a smoother, more evenly toned complexion. However, as it’s a superficial treatment, you’d have completely recovered by day 6 post-peel.

A time for TLC 

Right, so we’ve covered what you can’t use after a peel. Is there anything you should apply to your face? The short answer is “yes”! Moisturising after a peel is extremely important because keeping your skin hydrated and comfortable will promote the healing process.

If you’ve had a superficial peel, you’ll do well with Lamelle’s Barrier Repair Cream. It speeds up recovery time thanks to medical-grade lanolin that mimics your skin’s natural lipids and creates a moist wound-healing environment. If, however, you’re recovering from a more intensive peel, you’ll definitely want to know about Restorative Balm, our “bandage in a bottle”. Inspired by silicone wound dressings, it creates a breathable liquid membrane that protects your skin while it heals. Better yet, it facilitates hyaluronic acid production at the surface of your wound to help your epidermal matrix repair itself and, because it has practically no pH, it’s not going to burn or sting when you apply it.

Just one thing to remember – should you set foot outside, it’s vital that you apply sunscreen. Happily, it’s easy to layer our Helase products on top of either our Barrier Repair Cream or Restorative Balm.

The bottom line  

Ultimately, the fact that you’re naturally a little less exposed to the sun in winter makes it a good time to undergo a series of peels. However, if you’re sun savvy, there’s no reason why you can’t peel any time of year, including the summer months. To learn more about which peel would suit you best, chat to any of our highly-skilled Lamelle therapists and let’s help you peel and reveal to look your very best for the party season!