What are dark spots on your face and skin?

When your skin develops dark spots of blotchy and uneven in colour, we call it hyperpigmentation. “Hyper” stands for too much. And “pigmentation” for your skin colour. It’s basically an excess of your skin’s natural pigment, melanin, forming deposits in the skin. There are three types of hyperpigmentation that differ in cause, and it affects everyone with an outdoor lifestyle.

What causes this hyperpigmentation?

There are 3 types of hyperpigmentation, based on what the main trigger is:

1. - Sun-induced hyperpigmentation is caused by excessive sun exposure – melanin is your body’s natural sunscreen, so overexposure to the sun will cause accumulated DNA damage which may result in increased pigmentation production.

2. - Hormonal hyperpigmentation is linked to fluctuations in hormones – common to pregnant women (melasma or chloasma) and women taking contraceptives.

3. - Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is common after an inflamed wound heals – most common with acne.



The best way to treat pigmentation

Lamelle Research Laboratories has dedicated itself to understanding the physiological processes around how pigment forms – with products that act to inhibit the steps in pigmentation formation, now even before the DNA is triggered to activate melanin production. These products, Luminesce, are combined with treatments that will increase the removal of pigmentation that has already been formed.


Professional pigmentation treatments

The best way to get the most advanced dark spot and hyperpigmentation treatments are to speak to your Lamelle-recognised skincare therapist or doctor. She is trained to do a thorough skin assessment before advising you on the treatments that are best for your individual skin needs.

In the meantime, have a look at our advanced pigmentation treatments.


Dark spot and skin pigmentation at home

Your therapist or doctor will also advise on the best brightening cleansers, serums, and products to use for dark spots on the skin. Here are a few pigmentation-focused home treatments you might be interested in:

- Treat hyperpigmentation and brighten with Lamelle Luminesce

- Also, get the inside-out treatment with Lamelle Ovelle D3

- Supercharge the dark spot treatment with Brighter Serum under Lamelle Correctives